
Modern Electric Power

It is a technology periodical focusing on the electric power science and technology, supervised by Ministry of Education, sponsored by the NCEPU and co-sponsored by Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering and Beijing Lianhe Huayi Electrical Informational Technology Research Institute. The periodical was started in December 1984, bi-monthly published in even months, big 16 Kai paper size with 96 pages each edition. It is printed by Beijing Kexin Printing Factory, published domestically and internationally with the domestic unified edition number CN11-3818/TM and International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)1007-2322. Mr. Song Yonghua is the current chief editor, and Mr. Zhang Yigong is the sub-editor.
This periodical is core Chinese periodical and has been awarded Excellent Beijing University Natural Science Journal.
Electric Power Science & Engineering

It is an academic periodical supervised by Ministry of Education and sponsored by the NCEPU. It was started in 1985, quarterly published, big 16 Kai paper size with 80 pages each edition. It is printed by Hebei Supply & Sales Printing Factory, published domestically and internationally with the domestic unified edition number CN13-1328/TK and International Standard Serial Number ISSN1672-0792. Mr. Li Heming is the current chief editor, and Mr. Wu Bo is the sub-editor.
China Electric Power Education

It is an electric power industry educational periodical supervised by China Electricity Council and sponsored by China Association of Education of Electric Power, executed by NCEPU. In 2007, the periodical was transformed from bi-monthly to monthly, and the odd month edition is School Education Column, big 16 Kai, 166 pages each edition; the even month edition is Enterprise Feature Edition, big 16 Kai, 130 pages each edition. It is printed by Beijing Lianxingshengye Printing Co., Ltd., and published domestically and internationally with the domestic unified edition number CN11-3776/G4 and International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)1007-0079. Xu Yuhua is the current chief editor, and Guo Weiyu is the sub-editor.