Sports & Recreation

North Campus:

Basketball courts: 8 courts are located in the west area, opening to public for free

Tennis courts: located near the east gate of the campus, opening hours 9:00-19:00, RMB 50 Yuan/hr

Badminton courts: 8 courts of International standard are located inside the gymnasium, opening hours: Mon-Fri. 7:00-19:00, Sat & Sun: 9:00-22:00, RMB 20 Yuan/hr

Skating rink: behind Building 33 with an area of 800 square meters, opening to public for free

Swimming pool: near the east gate, opening to public in summer from 6:30-18:00

South Campus:

Track and field: situated between the No.1 and No.2 canteen

Volleyball courts: next to the C1 student dorm, opening to public 24 hrs for free

Basketball courts: in the student dorms area, opening to public for free

Gymnasium: located on the ground floor of Building A2, opening hours: 9:00-21:00


Living Facilities

North Campus:

3 student canteens offer a great variety of foods: Xihu Canteen, Northern favor Canteen and the No. 6 Canteen. Many other varieties of restaurants are just around the campus, such as McDonald’s, KFC, etc. A public kitchen inside the dorm enables students to cook their own dishes.

Students may receive pleasant service while shopping for living and study needs at the on-campus supermarkets.

South Campus:
The campus supports students with 2 student canteens, on-campus supermarket and Shibo Supermarket; In addition, students have optional access to Hongcheng Supermarket and many restaurants of delicious cuisines in the nearby South Shopping Center.