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Civil Engineering
Qualification Awarded Master
Duration 3 Years
Start Date September
Application Deadline June
Application Fee 65 USD
Tuition Fee 33000 RMB / Year
Teaching language English
HSK level Not Needed
Qualification Bachelor degree of Civil Engineering
Minimum Grades No Criteria

Program Description
Areas of Study of Masters of Science Degree
081401 Geotechnical Engineering
081402 Structural Engineering
081406 Bridge and tunnel Engineering

General Characteristics

The Master of Science program in Civil Environment Emgineering has the following Objectives:
Graduate preparation for further study in engineering, leading to the Ph.D or Doctor of Engineering degree
Job entry education for more complex areas of Engineering, such as research and development, innovative design, systems analysis and design and managerial engineering.

Eligblity Condition
Bachelor degree of Civil Engineering

Application Materials
? fully-filled Application Form for International Students
? Registry fee of 400 RMB
? An Official copy of Bachelor degree Diploma
? An official copy of the academic transcript in singed and sealed envelope
? Two reference letters from academic instructors
? TOEFL/IELTS or certification
? Guardian Certificate (below 18 years old) authorized by the local China embassy.
? A copy of guardian's passport
? Two passport-size photographs are necessary for registry.
? Application for Residence on Campus (optional)