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Business Administration
Qualification Awarded Bachelor
Duration 4 Years
Start Date September
Application Deadline June
Application Fee 80 USD
Tuition Fee 16000 RMB
Teaching language English
HSK level No HSK needed
Qualification A level or Grade 12
Minimum Grades No Criteria

Program Description
Jiangsu University has established friendly ties and long-term cooperative relationship with 27 colleges, universities and research institutions in America, Japan, Germany, Russia, Britain, France, Canada, Australia, and so on.
Besides first-rate education services, Jiangsu University will provide first-rate logistic services so that international students can enjoy a pleasant experience in this key university, in Zhenjiang, a famous city with long history and profound culture, and in China, the most charmful country in the 21st century.

Eligblity Condition
A. Positive attitude towards Chinese culture;
B. In good physical and mental health condition;
C. Senior high school diploma and good academic records;
D. A good command of English since all programs are taught in English.

Application Materials
A. Certificate of family financial support;
B. One copy of passport, esp. the page with photo;
C. One copy each for Senior high school diploma and academic records;
D. Application form of Jiangsu University for International students (fully & clearly filled up).